House unanimously approves school recovery proposal by Rep. Brad Hawkins (audio)

Washington House Republicans Radio Broadcast Feed


Feb. 10, 2015

CONTACT: John Sattgast, Broadcast Coordinator – (360) 786-7257 / Studio – (360) 786-5046

House unanimously approves school recovery proposal by Rep. Brad Hawkins

Legislator: Rep. Brad Hawkins, R-East Wenatchee
Date Recorded: Feb. 9, 2015
Run Time: 77 seconds

SUGGESTED LEAD: A measure that would help schools recover after natural disasters, such as the Carlton Complex Fire last July in North Central Washington, passed unanimously Monday from the state House of Representatives. John Sattgast reports from Olympia.

(Voicer: Hawkins-HB1003-SattgastVoicer-020915.mp3 – Run time :77  seconds.)

No one knows when or where a natural disaster will strike. And when it is over, the feeling of helplessness can be overwhelming. It was like that in the Pateros School District when Superintendent Lois Davies needed help for her facilities, after a wall of fire engulfed much of her community last summer and damaged school buildings.

East Wenatchee Representative Brad Hawkins said school officials were overwhelmed with uncertainty and the lack of centralized resources.

Hawkins: “They didn’t exactly know who to contact, and what resources, if any, might be available, and what funding they might qualify for. So I put my former school board hat on. And I thought it would be helpful to pull some resources together from the state, from OSPI and others, and put together a model policy for school districts to help restore their school infrastructure following a natural disaster.”

Sattgast: 12th District Republican Representative Brad Hawkins, who authored House Bill 10-03. The measure would pull together state resources and agencies to develop a model policy to help school districts restore their facilities following disasters. The policy would detail who to contact for support and what financial resources might be available. It easily passed the House of Representatives Monday with a vote of 96 to 0, and it now goes to the Senate for further consideration.

John Sattgast, Olympia.

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