Author Archives: Laudan

04-10-15: 12th District lawmakers discuss budgets on KOHO Radio (audio)

Sen. Linda Evans Parlette and Reps. Cary Condotta and Brad Hawkins provide a legislative update with KOHO Radio’s Clint Strand. Issues discussed on this program include initial House passage of the operating, transportation and capital budgets. The 12th District lawmakers also talk about marijuana bills, the possibility of a gas tax increase and tabling action on the class-size initiative.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

04-10-15: 12th District legislators provide budget update on KOZI Radio (audio)

Sen. Linda Evans Parlette, Rep. Cary Condotta and Rep. Brad Hawkins talk about budget debates in the Senate and House with Jay Witherbee on KOZI Radio, Chelan.

Find more audio content on our Web site.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

04-10-15: 12th District lawmakers provide budget update on KPQ (audio)

Sen. Linda Evans Parlette, Rep. Cary Condotta and Rep. Brad Hawkins talk with KPQ’s Steve Hair about budget proposals in Olympia, including House passage of a transportation budget and negotiations involved between House and Senate versions of the state operating budget proposals.

Find more audio content on our Web site.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

04-07-15: KPQ Radio’s ‘It’s Your Turn’ program interviews Rep. Brad Hawkins (audio)

On the KPQ ‘It’s Your Turn’ program, newsman Tom Cashman talks with Rep. Brad Hawkins about 2015 legislative issues, including formulation of a new state operating budget, education reforms, and a proposal to increase the state’s gas tax.

Find more audio content on our Web site.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

OPINION by Rep. Brad Hawkins: Investing your tax dollars wisely

By Rep. Brad Hawkins

This year is a budget-development year. The constitution provides the Legislature 105 days in odd-numbered years like 2015 to develop operating, capital and transportation budgets. Each of the budgets covers a two-year period, beginning July 1, 2015 thru June 30, 2017. I want to explain the purpose of each of these budgets and my goals as your legislator.

The operating budget provides for the daily operating expenses of the state, including K-12 and higher education, health and human services and public safety. The good news is that our state is expected to bring in $3 billion more for the 2015-17 budget than it did in the 2013-15 budget because of our recovering economy.

A top priority this year is fully funding basic education as required by the 2012 Supreme Court case known as the McCleary decision. It is important that the budget balances within those revenues and doesn’t ask families to pay more taxes. I’m also supporting funding to help with recovery efforts after the Carlton Complex Fire. I believe it’s a priority of the state to help communities recover after natural disasters.

The capital budget is often called the “bricks and mortar” budget because it pays for public facilities, including the construction of schools, prisons and other state buildings. It also provides loans to local governments from what is called the Public Works Assistance Account. In the past, we’ve seen this fund “swept” into the operating budget. That practice not only erodes the public’s trust in government, it removes essential funding mechanisms that have been very effective for local governments. As your state representative, I’ve also made requests for funding of public infrastructure impacted by the Carlton Complex Fire.

The transportation budget provides for the maintenance, preservation and operation of the state’s highways, bridges and ferries. While most of what you’ve heard about in the news is related to a separate transportation gas tax package, there will also be a budget that funds maintenance and operations within current revenues. This budget is approved every two years and is separate from the gas tax proposal. I don’t support the current gas tax proposal, but I have supported previous transportation budgets within existing revenues.

With less than a month remaining in the session, we will consider proposals from the majority parties in the House and Senate in the coming days. We can and should focus all our efforts on passing these budgets and completing the session on time, by April 26. Equally important is that we make wise, long-term decisions that efficiently invest your hard-earned tax dollars.


Rep. Brad Hawkins is serving his second term representing the 12th Legislative District, which includes Chelan, Douglas, and parts of Grant and Okanogan counties. He lives in East Wenatchee with his wife and two sons.

Rep. Hawkins’ media:
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Washington State House Republican Communications
461 John L. O’Brien Building
P.O. Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0600
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04-03-15: Hawkins, Condotta talk about budget proposal on KOHO Radio (audio)

Republican Reps. Brad Hawkins and Cary Condotta talk to KOHO Radio’s Clint Strand about their opposition to an operating budget passed by House Democrats. Rep. Condotta also discusses legislation regulating medical marijuana.

Find more audio content on our Web site.

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www.houserepublicans.wa.goviTunes Capitol Buzz News Clips Facebook Twitter YouTube Delicious
Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

04-03-15: Hawkins, Condotta talk about budget proposal on KOZI Radio (audio)

Rep. Brad Hawkins and Rep. Cary Condotta talk about differences between the House and Senate operating budget proposals with Jay Witherbee on KOZI Radio, Chelan.

Find more audio content on our Web site.

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www.houserepublicans.wa.goviTunes Capitol Buzz News Clips Facebook Twitter YouTube Delicious
Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

04-03-15: Hawkins, Condotta talk about dueling budgets on the KPQ Legislative Hotline (audio)

Reps. Cary Condotta and Brad Hawkins talk with KPQ’s Steve Hair about the contrasts between House and Senate operating budget proposals.

Find more audio content on our Web site.

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www.houserepublicans.wa.goviTunes Capitol Buzz News Clips Facebook Twitter YouTube Delicious
Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

Rep. Hawkins’ Update from Olympia: April 2, 2015

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of hosting Emily Cieslak, a Wenatchee High School student and one of the editors of the school newspaper, The Apple Leaf. She’s also an intern with KOHO radio, anEmily Cieslak visits the Capitold was recently named a 2015 Washington Scholar by the Washington State Student Achievement Council, which is among the highest academic recognitions in our state.

I invited Emily to come to the state Capitol to meet legislators and the governor to conduct interviews. When I was younger, former House Speaker Clyde Ballard and Majority Leader Dale Foreman took an interest in me and helped me learn about government. I met Emily last year and was excited to help provide her with an opportunity to experience Olympia.

During her visit, Emily interviewed all three 12th District legislators – myself, Sen. Linda Hawkins with EmilyEvans Parlette and Rep. Cary Condotta. She also toured the governor’s office, joined other reporters at the governor’s weekly media availability event, and talked with the governor individually. Watch for Emily’s story in The Apple Leaf and listen in on KOHO radio! We also recorded a video together inside the Capitol rotunda. Click here to watch my video interview with Emily.

Rep. Hawkins with page Mitchell WoodburyI was also honored this week to host another talented student, Mitchell Woodbury, as my legislative page. Mitchell is a ninth grader at Eastmont Junior High. We met last year at a dinner for the Misawa, Japan sister city delegation hosted by East Wenatchee Mayor Steve Lacy and his wife. I was very impressed with Mitchell who has been involved in both Eastmont student government and musicals. Earlier this session, my office contacted Mitchell’s school principal to recruit him to serve as my page. He has been enjoying his week here in Olympia learning about the legislative process and assisting lawmakers. We have a bright future with young people like Emily and Mitchell.

Last week, I summarized the three budgets the Legislature is developing. Various proposals from the House and Senate majorities have now been released. Here are some highlights of the three budgets.

Operating budget

House Democratic proposal:

  • $39 billion total spending
  • $1.5 billion in new and increased taxes
  • Suspends the state spending limit
  • Freezes tuition for higher education
  • $1.4 billion for education spending to meet basic education requirements
  • Includes cost-of-living adjustments for state and school employees

Senate Republican proposal:

  • $38 billion total spending
  • No new tax increases
  • Does not suspend state spending limit
  • Cuts tuition costs for higher education
  • Includes cost-of-living adjustments for state and school employees
  • $1.3 billion for education spending to meet basic education requirements

Capital budget

I’m very pleased that the House capital budget proposal includes funding for areas affected by the Carlton Complex Fire:

  • Brewster reservoir replacement ($1 million)
  • Pateros water system replacement ($1.5 million)
  • Twisp civic building ($500,000)

You can read more about the House proposal here (a Senate proposal has not been released yet).

Transportation budget

As I mentioned in my last email, the transportation budget is separate from the gas tax package, and is funded within current revenues. You can read more about the proposals in the House here and the Senate here.

With 24 days left in the session, now is the time for the Legislature to focus on reconciling the House and Senate budget proposals and passing responsible budgets with your hard-earned tax dollars. We can and should complete the session on time, which is scheduled to end April 26.

As always, I welcome your questions, comments and suggestions. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.


Brad Hawkins

State Representative Brad Hawkins
12th Legislative District
Web site:
122G Legislative Building – P.O. Box 40600 | Olympia, WA 98504-0600
(360) 786-7832 or Toll-free: (800) 562-6000

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