Author Archives: Laudan

02-27-15: 12th District lawmakers discuss busy time in Legislature with KOZI Radio (audio)

KOZI Radio’s Jay Witherbee talks with Sen. Linda Evans Parlette, Rep. Cary Condotta and Rep. Brad Hawkins about current issues in the 2015 legislative session, including floor voting on bills passed from their respective committees, delays in formulating an operating budget, a survey on tourism marketing and medical marijuana regulations.

Find more audio content on our Web site.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

02-27-15: 12th District lawmakers talk current issues on KPQ Radio (audio)

On the KPQ Legislative Hotline with Steve Hair, 12th District Sen. Linda Evans Parlette, Rep. Cary Condotta and Rep. Brad Hawkins talk about their frustrations with the Washington Health Exchange, which has double-charged customers. They also discuss some 90 bills awaiting hearings in the House Appropriations Committee, impending deadlines for bills to be heard and passed, and a bill that would impose a surcharge on tickets to Gorge concert goers.

Find more audio content on our Web site.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

Rep. Hawkins’ Update from Olympia: Feb. 26, 2015

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Sometimes legislators struggle with the intricacies of what a bill would do, the consequences of the bill, and whether the pros outweigh the cons. Not every bill and every vote is a clear-cut “yes” or “no” for any legislator. I’ve recently come across such a bill.

House Bill 1938, the Washington Tourism Marketing Act, would impose fees on tourism-related businesses like restaurants, hotels and retail businesses in order to fund tourism marketing for Washington state. With just this description, one might oppose increased costs on our small businesses. However, there is more to this story.

Washington is the only state in the country without a statewide tourism office – it was closed by the Legislature in 2011 due to budget cuts. Washington’s tourism budget in 2013-14 was $1.1 million (allocated to the Washington Tourism Alliance, a coalition of businesses in the tourism industry). Meanwhile, Oregon’s budget was $13.7 million and Idaho’s budget was $8 million for tourism in the same years. Please see the map below of state tourism budgets provided by the Washington Tourism Alliance.


The Washington Tourism Alliance has worked to put together a funding plan. The result of this planning is House Bill 1938. The fees in the legislation are intended to be collected only from businesses who will benefit from tourism marketing, and the funding would be dedicated to tourism marketing. For a complete review of the bill hearing and the testimony, click here.

The fee structure set up in the bill is based on businesses’ adjusted gross revenues, so smaller businesses would pay less than larger businesses. The fee would apply to food service, attractions and entertainment, retail, transportation and lodging. Annual fees would range from $25 to $3,500 depending on the type of business and size. Here’s the breakdown:


When the proposal came before the House Community Development, Housing and Tribal Affairs Committee on which I serve, and after much thought and consideration, I voted “no.” Despite the potential benefits in increased tourism to businesses, increasing costs for small businesses in our state could hurt their ability to operate and employ people. Then again, if implemented correctly, a tourism marketing program could generate net revenue for the state and our district.

I remain conflicted about this bill. While I want to support tourism which is crucial to our state and especially our district, I am hesitant to increase costs on some businesses that work within very tight margins. Some statewide associations, like the Washington Restaurant Association, support the bill but it is unclear to me how many restaurant owners statewide are following what is being proposed. I also wonder if this fee increase could affect the good work done by chambers in our state and district, who work to promote their area and businesses. Some of our local chambers, for example, have already been doing great work promoting their areas as travel destinations, primarily because state efforts have not been effective or fully funded.

I would like to know what you think. Please take this three-question survey to help me understand your perspective. This bill could come up for a vote by the full House of Representatives. I could choose to vote “no” again, or change my vote to “yes.” It’s also possible that the bill itself could be modified. I value your feedback, so please take the survey to share your thoughts, or contact my office directly.

I’d like to share with you some other ways I’m working to keep constituents informed about what is happening in Olympia. Check out:

  • A recent radio interview on KOHO radio Feb. 20 with myself, Sen. Evans Parlette and Rep. Condotta.
  • A Quad City Herald column about my school infrastructure recovery bill and other efforts after the Carlton Complex Fire.
  • A video update in which I discuss committee cutoff, an update on my school recovery and natural disaster recovery fund proposals, and students from the 12th District who spent time in Olympia serving as pages.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact my office anytime with your questions, comments and concerns. It’s an honor to serve you.


Brad Hawkins

State Representative Brad Hawkins
12th Legislative District
Web site:
122G Legislative Building – P.O. Box 40600 | Olympia, WA 98504-0600
(360) 786-7832 or Toll-free: (800) 562-6000

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02-20-15: 12th District lawmakers give legislative update on KPQ Radio (audio)

Washington House Republicans Radio Broadcast Feed

Feb. 20, 2015

12th District lawmakers give legislative update on KPQ Radio

On this KPQ Legislative Hotline, Steve Hair talks with Sen. Linda Evans Parlette and Reps. Brad Hawkins and Cary Condotta about issues in the Legislature, including the supplemental budget, elimination of statewide assessments as a requirement of high school graduation, and revisions to the medical marijuana lawFind more audio content on our Web site.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

OPINION by Rep. Brad Hawkins: Legislative Session Update – February

Legislative Session Update – February

By Rep. Brad Hawkins

Greetings from Olympia! We are into the second month of the 105-day session here at the Capitol, and committees are busy holding public hearings on bills. Some of those bills will make it to the House floor for a vote by the full House of Representatives. The House and Senate have strict deadlines to move bills through the process with the goal of completing work and approving a balanced budget within the 105 days. The first deadline for the House is Feb. 20, when bills must pass out of policy committees. Another significant deadline is March 11, when bills need to pass the House before heading to the Senate for consideration.

For our district, I have been working on proposals to address recovery efforts related to the devastating Carlton Complex Fire. First, I’m proposing state agencies put together a comprehensive model policy to help school districts restore their school infrastructure following natural disasters. This bill is in response to my work with Pateros School District, which suffered more than $2 million in fire damage to its only school building. I am pleased that this bill recently passed the House unanimously. Second, I’m working to secure funding within existing revenues to help with the recovery effort, namely for small business grants, public infrastructure and tourism promotion. Third, I have requested state funding within the capital budget for water infrastructure projects in Pateros and Brewster.

One of the bills I have sponsored related to local government was approved unanimously in committee. The proposal would allow chief examiners, who administer tests to law enforcement personnel, to reside outside the county in which they work. Chelan County brought this issue to my attention because current law (approved in 1959) has overly strict residency requirements for a chief examiner, which is a staff level position. As you can imagine, some Chelan County residents may actually live a few miles away in Douglas County and vice versa. This is a small, but common sense fix to state law that will help local jurisdictions with appropriate staffing.

Once bills pass the House, they go to the Senate for the same process: committee hearing, committee vote and Senate floor. If the Senate passes the same version as the House without any changes (called amendments), the bill goes to the governor for his signature or veto.

I have met with many constituents who traveled to Olympia to testify on proposals, including law enforcement officials, fire chiefs, teachers, physicians, nurses, students and business owners. If you have plans to travel to Olympia, let me know. Meeting with constituents is my favorite part of this amazing job.

Please feel free to contact my office anytime by phone at (360) 786-7832, toll-free at (800) 562-6000 or by e-mail at I also encourage you to sign up for my periodic e-mail updates on my website at

Thank you for allowing me the honor of representing you.


Rep. Brad Hawkins is serving his second term representing the 12th Legislative District, which includes Chelan, Douglas, and parts of Grant and Okanogan counties. He lives in East Wenatchee with his wife and two sons.

Rep. Hawkins’ media:
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Washington State House Republican Communications
461 John L. O’Brien Building
P.O. Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0600
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02-20-15: 12th District lawmakers talk issues on KOHO Radio (audio)

Sen. Linda Evans Parlette, Rep. Cary Condotta and Rep. Brad Hawkins talk with KOHO Radio’s Clint Strand about several issues in the 2015 legislative session, including: a transportation revenue package and highway funding for North Central Washington; mandatory vaccinations versus personal choice; and how lawmakers may have to handle an expensive class-size reduction initiative.

Find more audio content on our Web site.

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www.houserepublicans.wa.goviTunes Capitol Buzz News Clips Facebook Twitter YouTube Delicious
Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

02-20-15: 12th District legislators talk about session on KOZI Radio, Chelan (audio)

KOZI’s Jay Witherbee talks with Sen. Linda Evans Parlette, Rep. Cary Condotta and Rep. Brad Hawkins about current issues in the 2015 legislative session, including deadlines for legislation, work in the budget committees, the West Coast port labor dispute, and speculation of whether the session will be finished within 105 days.

Find more audio content on our Web site.

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www.houserepublicans.wa.goviTunes Capitol Buzz News Clips Facebook Twitter YouTube Delicious
Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

Wenatchee high schooler serves as page in state House


Feb. 19, 2015

CONTACT: Sarah Stewart, Public Information Officer – (360) 786-7720

 Wenatchee high schooler serves as page in state House

Jack Yount, a student from Wenatchee High School, traveled to Olympia Feb. 9-13 and served as a page in the state House of Representatives. He was sponsored by his 12th District Rep. Brad Hawkins, R-East Wenatchee. It was Jack’s second time as a page, which rarely happens in the Legislature.

I’m glad to have had Jack back again this year,” Hawkins said. “Jack is a very bright and hard working young man. He’ll be successful at whatever he chooses to pursue.”

Jack is the son of Tracy and Katie Yount. He is a freshman at Wenatchee High School. He is part of his school’s DECCA program, and plays tennis. During his time as a page, Jack attended page school every day to understand the operations and actions of the Legislature. As part of his page duties, Jack learned to navigate the many buildings on the Capitol campus and delivered messages and documents to legislators and staff.

“The page program is an excellent way for students from around the state to travel to Olympia to learn how our state government operates,” Hawkins said. “I encourage other students to apply for this great opportunity.”

Each year, students from around the state apply to participate in the legislative page program. Students spend a week attending page school, learning the inner workings of state government and assisting legislators on the House floor. Pages earn $35 per day while serving in the program.

To become a page, applicants must have a legislative sponsor, be between the ages of 14 and 16, and obtain written permission from their parents and school. For more information about the legislative page program, visit:

For more information about Rep. Hawkins, visit:

20150210_JackYount-RepHawkins_154655sc.jpgCaption: Rep. Brad Hawkins and Jack Yount in the House chamber at the rostrum, Feb. 10, 2015. Photo courtesy of the Washington State Legislature.

Rep. Hawkins and student page Jack Yount

Caption: Rep. Brad Hawkins and Jack Yount chat in the back of the House chamber before Jack carries the state flag to the rostrum for the ceremony in the House. Photo courtesy of the Washington State Legislature.

Washington State House Republican Communications
461 John L. O’Brien Building
P.O. Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0600
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02-13-15: 12th District lawmakers update KOHO Radio on legislative session (audio)

Washington House Republicans Radio Broadcast Feed

Feb. 13, 2015

12th District lawmakers update KOHO Radio on legislative session

KOHO’s Clint Strand talks with Sen. Linda Evans Parlette, and Reps. Cary Condotta and Brad Hawkins about the legislative session. Topics include: a proposed transportation revenue package funded by a 12-cent gas tax increase; extending the manufacturing tax preference, and approval of a supplemental budget that provides disaster relief funding for Carlton Complex fire victims.

Find more audio content on our Web site.

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www.houserepublicans.wa.goviTunes Capitol Buzz News Clips Facebook Twitter YouTube Delicious
Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046