Author Archives: Laudan

Locals from Okanogan County ask Legislature for help in Carlton Complex Fire recovery (audio)

Washington House Republicans Radio Broadcast Feed


CONTACT: John Sattgast, Broadcast Coordinator – (360) 786-7257 / Studio – (360) 786-5046

Locals from Okanogan County ask Legislature for help in Carlton Complex Fire recovery

Legislator:  Rep. Brad Hawkins, R-East Wenatchee
Date Recorded: Jan. 29, 2015
Run Time: 1 minute, 45 seconds

SUGGESTED LEAD:  A proposal is moving through the state House to provide funding for economic recovery in Okanogan County following the devastating Carlton Complex Fire last July that destroyed homes and businesses. John Sattgast reports from Olympia.

(Voicer:Hawkins-CarltonComplexWorkshop-SattgastVoicer-013015.mp3 – Run time 1:45)

[Background music begins. . .”It’s snowing ash in mid July. . .]
Community leaders from Pateros, Twisp, Winthrop and throughout Okanogan County traveled to Olympia Thursday to testify before the House Community Development, Housing and Tribal Affairs Committee. They spoke of the impact and destruction to businesses, families, schools, property and homes.

Carlene Anders is the executive director of the Carlton Complex Long Term Recovery Group and a volunteer firefighter in Pateros.
(Voice cut:  Anders-CarltonComplexWorkshop-CLIP1-013015.mp3 – Run time :19  seconds – Out cue: .complete devastation.)

Anders: “We had tremendous loss. We’re looking at over 150, 160 homes in that area. For a small community, it’s huge. We had two-to-four students, K through 12. There wasn’t one grade that was missed, K through 12, that didn’t have kids who lost their homes. Complete devastation.”
Sattgast: State Representative Brad Hawkins of East Wenatchee has introduced House Bill 1125, which would provide an additional five-hundred-thousand dollars in the state budget for economic recovery after the fire. The dollars would be provided from an existing fund called the Economic Development Strategic Reserve Account. Hawkins said the money could also be used to leverage additional federal funding.

(Voice cut:  Run time :12  seconds – Out cue: . help in the recovery.)

Hawkins: “It’s going to be a long recovery. It’s going to be, as you mentioned,  up to ten years. And this is a very small amount, but it is just one of the tools in the toolbox I thought the state could use to help in the recovery. ”

[Background music. . .Wildfire raging through our town. . .]
Sattgast: Committee members watched a compelling video which showed the devastation and described through a locally-written song the tragedy that befell the communities. Hours later, the House approved an amendment to the supplemental operating budget that allocates one-point-two million dollars for recovery efforts. The committee will vote on Hawkins’ bill on Monday.
John Sattgast, Olympia.
[Background music fades]

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

01-30-15: 12th District legislators give update on KOHO Radio (audio)

KOHO Radio’s Clint Strand talks with Sen. Linda Evans Parlette, Rep. Cary Condotta and Rep. Brad Hawkins about how bills are being sorted out in the 2015 legislative session.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

01-30-15: 12th District legislators give update on KOZI Radio (audio)

Sen. Linda Evans Parlette, Rep. Cary Condotta and Rep. Brad Hawkins talk with KOZI’s Ken Johannessen about issues in the 2015 session, including House passage of a supplemental operating budget, and constituent testimony on legislation to provide relief from the Carlton Complex Fire.

Find more audio content on our Web site.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

01-30-15: KPQ Legislative Hotline looks at supplemental operating budget (audio)

KPQ News Director Steve Hair talks with Rep. Brad Hawkins, Sen. Linda Evans Parlette and Rep. Cary Condotta about current legislative issues, including passage of a new supplemental operating budget which includes money for the Carlton Complex Fire recovery, and legislation to extend tax preferences to the Alcoa Wenatchee Works plant.

Find more audio content on our Web site.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

Update from Rep. Hawkins’: Jan. 29, 2015

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

The House Education Committee heard my proposal to provide a model policy for schools following a natural disaster that affects infrastructure. Pateros Superintendent testimony on School Infrastructure Recovery BillLois Davies and Jon Wyss, chair of the Carlton Complex Fire Long Term Recovery Group, traveled to Olympia to testify. You can read more and watch the full hearing here. Unfortunately, after the hearing and a conference north of Olympia, Superintendent Davies was traveling home on Stevens Pass and got in a serious collision. She’s been in the hospital with her injuries, and I hope you’ll join me in keeping her in our thoughts and prayers for a full recovery.

On Monday, the House Education Committee voted unanimously to move my School Infrastructure Recovery Bill out of the committee and on to the House Rules Committee for consideration for the House floor calendar, where it could receive a vote by the entire House of Representatives. I’m pleased to have the committee’s support on this bill that I pre-filed in December, and that this is the first bill the committee has supported this year.

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Watch my recent video update where I give a tour of my office in Olympia and discuss my goals for the session.

Today, the House held work sessions on the wildfires that affected our area. Locals from Okanogan County testified on what went right, and what lessons can be learned in both the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee and the Community Development, Housing and Tribal Affairs Committee. Everyone representing the recovery group has done an outstanding job and I’ve been proud to work with them.

Also today, a public hearing was held on my Carlton Complex Fire

Carlton Complex fire hearing

Economic Recovery Bill. I appreciated having an opportunity to make the case for using an existing fund to provide some economic recovery for Okanogan County and each of the people testifying gave compelling evidence for the need for the funding. You can read about the hearing here. We are working hard to take our message about recovery to the highest levels of the Legislature and state government. I am very thankful and appreciative of the welcome we are receiving, including from the Speaker of the House today.


Okanogan County officials and Rep. Brad Hawkins talk with House Speaker Frank Chopp about recovery after the Carlton Complex fire. Jan. 29, 2015.

During House floor debate, the House adopted an amendment to the 2013-15 budget that included $1.2 million from the operating budget for recovery funding. In my opinion, this is what a supplemental budget should be used for – addressing

emergencies that arise. I will continue to work with the recovery effort to obtain more support from the state to help residents and businesses so dramatically affected by the fire.

As always, please feel free to contact my office anytime with questions, concerns or suggestions. It’s an honor to serve you.


Brad Hawkins

State Representative Brad Hawkins
12th Legislative District
Web site:
122G Legislative Building – P.O. Box 40600 | Olympia, WA 98504-0600
(360) 786-7832 or Toll-free: (800) 562-6000

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Carlton Complex fire economic recovery proposal receives public hearing; House approves $1.2 million for recovery


Jan. 29, 2015

CONTACT: Sarah Stewart, Public Information Officer – (360) 786-7720

Carlton Complex fire economic recovery proposal receives public hearing; House approves $1.2 million for recovery

A proposal to provide funding for economic recovery in Okanogan County after the devastating Carlton Complex Fire received a public hearing in the House of Representatives today. Hours later, the House approved an amendment to the 2013-15 supplemental operating budget that allocates $1.2 million for recovery efforts. The state dollars are aimed at obtaining federal matching funds.

House Bill 1125, sponsored by Rep. Brad Hawkins would provide an additional $500,000 in the 2015-17 budget for economic recovery after the fire. The dollars would be provided from an existing fund called the Economic Development Strategic Reserve Account, which is administered by the Washington State Department of Commerce. The dollars could also be leveraged for federal funding.

“While touring the area with the governor after the fires swept through, he mentioned this account to me and how it might be able to help with some of the recovery. This is a very small amount, but it’s one of the tools we can use and I want to turn over every rock to help,” said Hawkins, R-East Wenatchee. “This is just the beginning of the recovery, and I’m committed to helping however I can to ensure our region comes back stronger. While these fires were devastating, there’s also a positive story in the midst of this about the resilience of our communities and people.”

The funding would be directed to the Carlton Complex Fire Long-Term Recovery Group. Several members of the group and other local officials traveled to Olympia to testify today.

Jon Wyss, chairman of the Carlton Complex Long Term Recovery Group, testified that the size of the fire was about the size of Kitsap County and shared a video created by the Group that showed the devastation.

Roni Holder Deifenback, executive director of the Okanogan County Economic Alliance, shared that the area had always struggled with economic stability and was just starting to realize a strong local business base before the fire.

Julie Muyllaert, president of the Winthrop Chamber of Commerce, talked about the impact of being without power and phone service for eight days on local residents and tourism.

Carlene Anders, executive director of the Carlton Complex Long Term Recovery Group and a volunteer firefighter in Pateros, shared the stories of local businesses who lost buildings and products, and the students and teachers who lost their homes just before the school year started.

Amy Stork, executive director of Twisp Works, shared that about 10 percent of the businesses in Twisp were directly impacted by the fires and resulting floods. She said the funding can help the area become a model for rural revitalization and shared how the group is helping entrepreneurs and their plans to rebuild.

At the end of the hearing, a representative of the Washington Public Ports Association testified against the bill, saying it would set a precedent for use of the small account for future disasters.

Hawkins notified the lobbyist the fund had already been used after the Oso landslide to help with economic recovery.

The chair of the committee announced the bill would be voted on in Monday’s committee hearing.

Hawkins and the group met with the Speaker of the House afterward to talk about the fire and recovery efforts.

“I appreciate everyone for making the trip to share the work of our communities and the recovery group,” Hawkins said. “They gave compelling stories and evidence of the need for state support.”

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Washington State House Republican Communications
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OPINION by Rep. Brad Hawkins: 2015 session is underway – I’m here to serve you

2015 session is underway – I’m here to serve you

By Rep. Brad Hawkins

This year’s legislative session in Olympia has just begun. In an odd-numbered year like 2015, the state constitution provides 105 days for the Legislature to develop a two-year operating budget.

Education funding will be the paramount discussion following a court case called McCleary and an order from the state Supreme Court to increase funding for basic education needs statewide. I’m committed to ensuring we put education first in the budgeting process to remove the politics from our classrooms. Of course, increasing education funding also requires accountability to the taxpayers and parents who are funding it.

Another Supreme Court case will require us to increase funding for mental health programs. Mental illness affects our families and our communities. It can also be a public safety issue. I believe taking care of those with mental illness falls under those who are “most vulnerable,” and should be fully funded.

Developing the 2015-17 budget will be just one of many discussions that occur in Olympia affecting the residents of Washington. The Legislature will continue with the implementation of the voter-approved legalization of marijuana to respect the electorate but ensure public safety. The use of body cameras by local police, drones and 2nd Amendment rights may also come before the Legislature. Increasing the minimum wage, despite the fact that Washington already has the highest in the nation, may again be on the legislative agenda.

In addition, the governor has indicated he wants to continue to pass a new transportation tax package – this time funded by a carbon tax. In December, Governor Inslee proposed more than $1 billion in tax increases to fund the operating budget. I am troubled about the talk of increasing taxes especially while our state economy continues to stabilize and recover from the recession. What many don’t know is that our state is expected to bring in $3 billion more with current revenue sources over the next two years. Additional revenue indicates that our economy is beginning to recover. It seems prudent for our state to live within its means and balance its budget within these increased revenues.

No matter the issue, I’ll be asking lots of questions to make the most informed decisions, and I’d appreciate hearing from you on legislative matters.  Please feel free to contact my office anytime by phone at (360) 786-7832, toll-free at (800) 562-6000 or by e-mail at I also encourage you to sign up for my periodic e-mail updates on my website at

Thank you for allowing me the honor of representing you.


Rep. Brad Hawkins just began his second term representing the 12th Legislative District, which includes Chelan, Douglas, and parts of Grant and Okanogan counties. He lives in East Wenatchee with his wife and two sons.

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official portrait  silent b-roll  photos on Flickr  YouTube videos  podcast
Washington State House Republican Communications
461 John L. O’Brien Building
P.O. Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0600
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01-23-15: 12th District lawmakers give update on KOHO Radio of second week in 2015 session (audio)

Sen. Linda Evans Parlette, Rep. Cary Condotta and Rep. Brad Hawkins talk with KOHO Radio’s Clint Strand about the second week of the 2015 legislative session, including introduction of bills, public hearings on legislation, bipartisan cooperation and constituent visits.

Find more audio content on our Web site.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046

01-23-15: 12th District lawmakers provide legislative update on KOZI Radio, Chelan (audio)

Washington House Republicans Radio Broadcast Feed

Jan. 23, 2015

12th District lawmakers provide legislative update on KOZI Radio, Chelan

12th District lawmakers Sen. Linda Evans Parlette, Rep. Cary Condotta and Rep. Brad Hawkins talk with KOZI’s Ken Johannessen about the second week of the 2015 legislative session, including new legislation to regulate red light cameras, a measure to provide additional relief from the Carlton Complex Fire, and medical marijuana measures.

Find more audio content on our Web site.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046