Tag Archives: Audio Reports

03-30-16: 12th District lawmakers give ‘wrap-up’ update on KPQ Legislative Hotline (audio)

On the KPQ Legislative Hotline with Chris Hansen, Sen. Linda Evans Parlette, Rep. Brad Hawkins and Rep. Cary Condotta discussed the final days and hours of the 2016 special session, in which a supplemental operating budget was passed, and the House and Senate overrode 27 vetoes by Gov. Inslee.

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03-11-16 RADIO: Reps. Hawkins and Condotta talk spending, vetoes (audio)

Reps. Brad Hawkins and Cary Condotta talk with KOHO about spending and the budget, as well as the governor’s late night vetoes.  Dozens of bills were affected. The 12th District lawmakers, both Republicans from East Wenatchee, shared their ideas on why negotiators have yet to agree on a supplemental spending plan.  Condotta  indicated that House Democrats are not ready to make a deal, and that the Speaker, Frank Chopp, is not able to get the number of votes necessary to pass the version of the budget that he favors.  Hawkins, who declined to point fingers, told listeners that he believes there is a major philosophical divide concerning use of the budget stablilization account, otherwise known as the rainy day fund.

03-11-16 RADIO: 12th District Reps. talk with KOZI (audio)

Reaction has been swift to the governor’s announcement that he had vetoed dozens of bills, making good on last week’s threat to do so if lawmakers did not present a supplemental budget by the end of the regular session.  Reps. Cary Condotta and Brad Hawkins talked with KOZI.  Said Condotta, “This guy needs to go.  This was ridiculous.”  He talked of the importance of the bills that were vetoed and the amount of work that went into getting them through the legislative process.  Hawkins said he believes philosophical differences in opinion about the use of the rainy day fund, better known as the budget stabilization account, may be what is holding up a budget.  He also talked about the recent bipartisan vote on funding of charter schools and the affect that it had on Democrat lawmakers, who are unused to seeing their ideas declined so soundly.

The lawmakers were joined by Sen. Linda Evans Parlette.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
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03-04-16 RADIO: Reps. Condotta and Hawkins give legislative update on KOHO (audio)

Reps. Brad Hawkins and Cary Condotta, Republican lawmakers from East Wenatchee, talk with Clint Strand on KOHO Radio about the legislative session.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046
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03-04-16 RADIO: Reps. Hawkins and Condotta talk with KOZI about budget (audio)

As the 2016 Legislative session nears the 60 day mark, Reps. Brad Hawkins and Cary Condotta talk about the on-going budget talks with KOZI radio.  Both lawmakers say they believe that the session will end on time, but there remains some question about whether a supplemental budget will be brought forth.  Law does not require that one be introduced, as the state already has a budget in place.  Condotta mentioned three key areas in which Republican legislators in the House have offered solutions to pressing concerns in the state, only to be turned down by the majority party.  These include charter schools, transgender bathroom concerns, and career and technical education.

Condotta and Hawkins, both Republicans from East Wenatchee, were joined by Sen. Linda Evans Parlette.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046
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03-02-16 RADIO: Reps. Hawkins and Condotta discuss budget (audio)

Reps. Brad Hawkins and Cary Condotta of East Wenatchee discuss the ins and outs of the recently approved House and Senate budgets.  Condotta, who indicated that he believes the House version may not be as well crafted it could be, said it is possible that lawmakers could leave Olympia without a supplemental budget this session.  He discussed the fact that implementing a supplemental spending plan is not required by law.  Hawkins added that he is encouraged that House approval of the budget has at least ‘started the process.’

The 12th District lawmakers also talked about the Senate’s budget, which is considered much more austere than the House plan.  They were joined by Sen. Linda Evans Parlette, who discussed her views on the numbers released by the Senate.  She also shared that an omnibus bill that addresses wildfires will soon head to the Rules Committee.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046
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02-26-16 RADIO: Reps. Condotta and Hawkins talk with KOHO (audio)

Rep. Cary Condotta and Rep. Brad Hawkins, both Republican lawmakers from East Wenatchee talk with KOHO about legislation awaiting a vote at the state Capitol.  They also weigh in on recent budget activity, which has consumed a great deal of attention in Olympia and has yet to be resolved.

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Washington State House Republican Communications
451 John L. O’Brien Building – P.O. Box 40600 – Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Broadcast studio: (360) 786-5046
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