Tag Archives: Running Start

The Washington State Senate convenes for floor session - Jan. 31, 2024

Hawkins’ “Walking Start to Running Start” bill approved by Legislature

OLYMPIA… Sen. Brad Hawkins’ Senate Bill 5670 to expand Running Start opportunities for high school students was approved by the legislature Thursday evening.

Hawkins first introduced the bill during the 2023 session, and it has been a multi-year effort.

Running Start is a free tuition “dual credit” opportunity for 11th and 12th graders, allowing students to earn college credit while in high school. Students can get a head start or “running start” to college, accumulating credits during their high school years.

Hawkins’ bill allows students in the summer term before 11th grade to earn up to 10 college credits.

Through the Running Start program, students can complete their AA degrees in high school. Hawkins says his bill could save students money, reduce their likelihood of debt, and advance them closer to a four-year degree.

Wenatchee Valley College President Faimous Harrison and local Running Start students testified in support of the bill before the House Education Committee on February 15.

Since SB 5670 was approved by the House unamended, it now advances directly to Governor Inslee for consideration.

Hawkins’ Statement

I fully support the Running Start program as a tuition-free option for students and families. It is a great option for all, especially for middle-class families who may not otherwise qualify for any state financial aid.

Running Start is a proven way to build credits and get students on a degree path. Allowing students to begin in the summer leading into their junior year could help ease them into the college experience.

I’ve been calling my bill a “Walking Start to Running Start” because sometimes you need to walk before you run in school and life. My bill provides that option.

To view the bill as approved by the Legislature, click here.

Audio No. 1 | Walking to Running Start

Audio No. 2 | Walking to Running Start

Audio No. 3 | Walking to Running Start

The Washington State Senate convenes for floor session - Jan. 31, 2024

Hawkins’ “Walking Start to Running Start” bill approved by Senate

OLYMPIA … Sen. Brad Hawkins’ bill to expand Running Start opportunities for high school students took a major step forward Friday. As amended, the Senate approved the bill by a unanimous vote.

Hawkins is a member of the Senate’s Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee and developed the amendment proposal with Committee Chair T’wina Nobles of the 28th District.

Running Start is a free tuition “dual credit” opportunity for 11th and 12th graders, allowing students to earn college credit while in high school. Students can get a head start or “running start” to college, accumulating credits during their high school years.

Some students can even complete their AA degrees while earning high school diplomas. This opportunity saves the students money, reduces their likelihood of debt, and advances them closer to earning a four-year degree.

Hawkins introduced Senate Bill 5670 during the last session to allow 10th graders to earn limited credits online as an introduction to the Running Start program. This form of the bill was approved last session by the Senate’s Early Learning & K-12 Committee and the Ways & Means Committee.

On Friday’s Senate floor, senators accepted a Hawkins’ amendment that changed the bill to allow students between 10th and 11th grades to earn up to 10 college credits during their summer term.

Hawkins’ Statement

I’m a big believer in the state’s Running Start program as a tuition-free option for students and families. It is a great option for all, especially for students from middle-class families who sadly may not otherwise qualify for any student aid. The program provides a proven way to build credits and get students on a degree path.

Unfortunately, a full load of Running Start college coursework for high school juniors can shock the system. Allowing students to gradually begin the program during the summer months – either online or in person – could help ease them into college and help them experience success. It’s an added option.

I’m calling it a “Walking Start to Running Start,” and I’m thankful it received Senate approval.

In its Senate-approved form, the bill seeks to make permanent a summer term funded temporarily in the 2023-2025 budget. With this potential expansion of Running Start, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction has classified students who have completed 10th grade but have not yet started 11th grade as “Rising Juniors.”

The bill now heads to the House of Representatives for further consideration, with its first stop likely in the House Education Committee. If the House approves the bill before the session ends on March 7, it will advance to the Governor for consideration.

To view the amended bill approved by the Senate, click here.

Watch the senator floor debate on SB 5670.

Hawkins’ “Walking start to Running Start” bill clears key Senate committee

A bill sponsored by 12th District Sen. Brad Hawkins to modernize the Running Start Program has taken a key step forward. Senate Bill 5670, allowing 10th grade high school students to participate in online college classes, was approved today by the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

Hawkins’ bipartisan bill was unanimously approved earlier in the session by the Senate Higher Education and Workforce Development Committee, a new committee for Hawkins this year. Senate Bill 5670, as amended in the committee, allows 10th graders to participate in one college course per quarter, if the class is entirely online.

Created in 1990, Running Start is a popular tuition-free “dual credit” program in Washington state that allows high school juniors and seniors to earn college credits while also working toward their high school diplomas. State funding that follows the student is shared between the K-12 school districts and higher education institutions.

Hawkins believes the rationale for only allowing 11th and 12th graders in the Running Start program when it began over 30 years ago had to do with lawmakers likely not wanting to mix high school and traditional college students on campus. Considering how institutions structure classes for Running Start students and the rise of online only classes, Hawkins says it’s time to modernize the program.

“Many classes at community colleges are almost entirely high school students participating in Running Start so allowing sophomores who are academically ready to explore a limited number of online classes would be a very good thing,” Hawkins said.

Hawkins added, “You need to walk before you run, so I call my bill a walking start to Running Start.”

His bill directly aligns with state goals related to post-secondary attainment, which involves students earning credentials beyond a high school diploma. Hawkins said, “Many juniors and seniors work really hard to earn a two-year community college degree by the time they graduate from high school, which can be both overly stressful and impact their social opportunities.”

“Many students work really hard but don’t quite earn their college degree by the time they graduate from high school, yet they never go back to finish due to tuition cost and life circumstances.” He added, “My bill would allow 10th graders to chip away a bit at their two-year degree online and position them better to complete their college program.”

Senate Bill 5670 now heads to the full Senate for consideration.